Day 2 Key notes included a
presentation from the newly created German Easy to Read Concept. "Leichte
Sprache". They have published a large text on 'how to write in German Easy
to Read'.
A few papers discussed working with
people with lower literacy skills.
Belgium - Van Der Waarde - Plain
Language in health: Can understandable information improve the use of medicines
by patients? This was developed from the graphic designer perspective, with
lots of insights into how to get images to work for the content.
Germany - Weigard/Zschorlicj - Head
lice: Nothing to be ashamed of. Evidence based health information for hard to
reach target groups. Important message: websites do not work for this target
Ireland - Lane/Droog - Men's
Cancer Prevention and Health Literacy. Discussed how information needs to be
presented differently for men - use of easy to read language; humour, positive
messages and infographics. Interestingly they have their images on the Right
side of pages. Love to chat more....
Australia - Basterfield – Workshop –
Improve Communication- Improve Customer Relationships. For those that came a
great discussion on how the strategies for interactive communication are
as relevant and as important as our written messages. Working with participants
who have English as a 2nd. 3rd or 4th language
was great fun, as we tried to identify simple everyday words for complex ones!.
Australia – Basterfield – Who is my
Customer. A thought provoking paper, which people afterwards commented they had
no idea or hadn’t realised the vulnerable people I write Easy English for, is
(i) out there and (ii) as prevalent as it is.
A couple of papers I missed , but want
to catch up with...
Sweden - Jaensson Introducing a new
grant to new target groups. Unfortunately I didn’t get to this paper as I was
chairing another session. Looking forward to the PPT and a follow up with
Germany – Frohlich – Capito – Easy to
read . Practical experiences.
Based on digital experiences.
Development of the ‘çapito’ method and quality standards.
Cathy Basterfield
Access Easy English
0466 579 855
Facebook: /accesseasyenglish
Twitter: @accesseasyengl@accessseasyengli